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Поговорим о моде
30.09.2012, 12:14
"Следовать моде смешно, а не следовать - глупо", говорит ведущий одной телевизионной передачи.
В любом случае, необходимо выучить слова и выражения, чтобы об одежде и моде говорить по-английски.
Clothes -
Проверьте, знаете ли вы слова по теме "Одежда"
to wear  - носить
to have on  - быть одетым во что-то
to be dressed in - быть одетым во что-то
               to dress well
                           (well-dressed )
                                      to get dressed - одеться
                                      to put on  - надеть
 Fashion - мода
  fashionable - модный,
     in fashion - в моде
       out of fashion - не в моде
Ещё одно выражение to be in (style):
Fashion stores tell us what is "in” this summer or this winter.
brand clothes
Read about fashion in Wikipedia:
Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, or furniture. "Fashion" refers to a distinctive; however, often-habitual trend in a look and dress up of a person, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. "Fashion" usually is the newest creations made by designers and are bought by only a few number of people; however, often those "fashions" are translated into more established trends
  • Можно быть или выглядеть стильно, современно и т. д.:
Be (look): stylish, trendy, modern, up-to-date, cool,
out-of-date - несовременно
casual - небрежный стиль в одежде
Look : smart, neat, elegant, nice
  • Если какая-то вещь на пике моды, о ней говорят "hot" -
The new Prado boots are so hot - all the stores are sold out.
  • Если без какой-то вещи нельзя обойтись - must-have:
Bracelets are this season's must-have accessory.
  • Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. I like the way I dress because it’s my way of expressing myself.
2. I don’t think too much about the latest fashion trends.
3. I wouldn’t wear these clothes if I didn’t liked them.
4. I usually pay attention to whether my clothes match or not because it makes me look better.
5. I dress the way I do because I want to be an individual.
6. I don’t care what people think about the way I dress.
  • Знаете ли вы, что означают эти прилагательные?
striped /  checked  /  plain  / dotted  / flowery /  patterned
Teenagers Fashion in 3 years
  • Послушайте тексты и выполните задания
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